Have you ever faced a problem while forwarding multiple mails as an attachment within a single email – particularly while summarizing activities relating to a single issue? Did you find it tedious to forward each one of them separately, or at the best, save each one of them as HTML or EML files and then attach? How would you feel to know that PostMaster Enterprise ver. 8.03 allows you to forward multiple mails as an attachment to a single mail by simple selecting the checkboxes alongside them?
Power Feature – PostMaster Enterprise
How have you dealt with a situation where you’re required to send multiple trail mails as an attachment to a new mail? The best solution available today is to send these mails as attachments to multiple threads of a new mail (Part 1, Part2 and so on), or save each of those mails on your desktop and then attach them within the new mail. Well, PostMaster Enterprise ver. 8.03 simplifies all this by letting you quickly select the checkboxes next to the messages and send them as a single attachment within the new message. This is a core enhancement and is available to all users by default.